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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Just Venting....

I don’t want to get mad… I want to get EVEN!

It’s hard for me to show my emotions to my family. I don’t know what it is.
There are certain things I keep from them because I often feel ashamed. The rape was one of those things that I kept from them until recently…

I can’t help but think again... How does one forgive ? How can one forget ?

People tell me to move on and that it happened in the past. But to know the asshole is still out there and that there is NOTHING I can do about it but 'forget about it'. Then I feel as if I'm reliving the rape and the beating all over again....

What hurts is when people that I love tell me to forget and move on.

Unless you have been in that situation yourself it’s hard to move on. It’s hard to forgive let alone forget.


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