Have You Read My Blog ?

Saturday, April 22, 2006



At 6:30 am when some people are still sleeping (including my dog). I'm already taking my morning 3 block walk to the train station. I'm not a morning person and sometimes I don't notice the obvious. For example, I was approaching the end of my block when I noticed a hairy little dog coming in my direction. It wasn't until it was directly in front of me did I notice that the tail did not look like that of a dog. It almost looked like it had a tail of a giant rat. In fact as it got closer I noticed that no one was walking 'IT' and 'IT' was NOT a hairy little dog !


I ran across the street nearly tripping over myself . In one hand I had my carafe of coffee the other had my laptop bag. I kept on looking back thinking that sucker was running after me.

By the time I got to the train station, I finally caught my breath. After much thought, that little possum really wasn't chasing after me. In fact, for all I know Mr. Possom was probably heading to work himself right ? So I thought Mr. Possom wasn't so scary after all. He was just ugly looking and he was there just walking along the same street as I was just minding his own business.

Now that I think of it, if I worked with Mr. Possom, he would just come into work and mind his own business. Which is more than I can say for the Jackasses I work with now. Not to mention a Possom looks way better than a Jackass don't you think ?

Sunday, April 16, 2006


This is what I look like by the time you read this blog. I love my job and I really like my co-workers. There have been a few that have made my life and the others a living hell. The dynamics of our team has changed dramatically and everyone is trying to get ahead at any cost. I never thought I could experience anything like this but I guess I am. For example, I found out that there have been a group of women that went to our manager and presented her with a 'list' of complaints about one of our co-workers. The thing is, is that I know the allegations aren't true and I feel terrible for this one co-worker cause she has no idea that the same women she is laughing and having lunch with are the same women that are stabbing her in the back. Why are people so evil ? This is why I dread going to work. In fact I wouldn't mind working in a closet !