Have You Read My Blog ?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Why am I so fat ?

The answer is obvious. I love food and I lost my metabolism. I only wish I was pregnant just so it would give me an answer as to why I'm so plump lately !

In reality I really don't want to have kids right now. My husband and I aren't ready yet. I don't think we will ever be ready.

Gone are the days of size 4 jeans and cute itty bitty dresses. I can barely fit one leg into any of those dresses anymore ! Weight Watchers here I come !

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm on a roll....

I found another pic online of my dream man and I began to crave for a glass of milk. Hmmm.... I wonder why ? I don't care if I'm lactose intolerant either. So is that 2% or skim?

Here's Something New To Look At....

So I got a phone call from shall we say a 'fan' of my blog. She indicated that she was eagerly awaiting a new entry on my blog (she was tired of looking at the picture of the damn possom from my old posting). Since I don't want to dissapoint MJ ... I mean my 'fans' I have a new picture to post. Obviously I don't need to tell you who this man is do I ? Ok for those of you who don't know him (not like anyone else reads my damn blog besides MJ and Gigi) It's Ricky Martin. Is this man hot or what ? Everytime I look at a picture of him - it motivates me to work out (yeah right... who am I kidding ?). Anyway - enjoy this pic ...I am !