The last time I opened a chain letter it said that if I didn't forward it over to 10 of my friends within a week a white little boy with blond hair would show up at my front door at midnight with a knife! I don't know if these things were true or not so I wasn't taking a chance. Ever since then, any chain letters I get I automatically delete them. No offense to those who send them to me - but would you like it if a white little boy with blond hair would show up at your front door at midnight with a knife ?
There was a contest titled ' One Night with Ricky Martin'. I am obsessed with this man ! Ever since I was 12 years old ! To be honest, my hormones from when I was 12 years old came rushing back and I went nuts ! Anyway, I entered the contest and knew I had no chance in hell that I would win.
Then came an email from Joanne. This chic rarely emails. And the one email she sends out ? A chain letter that I had already opened. Good Grief ! Now I had to respond dang it !
I figured perhaps Joann'e chain letter was my secret anting-anting (good luck charm). So I followed the instructions. it said that I had to state my wish out loud 3 times. You guys probably remember this since I sent it to you back in January. My wish was that I would meet Ricky Martin and that he would kiss me (I had to be different!). So I said my wish 3 times and sent it off to you guys. The concert came and went and so did the contest. And of course I didn't win the concert. I didn't meet Ricky nor did he kiss me. No surprise there.
Present Day....
The other night I fell asleep watching 'So You Think You Can Dance'. It's this TV show Cecilia was telling me about. It's kinda like American Idol but showcasing contestants dancing different styles.
When I dream it's pretty vivid and it jumps from scene to scene. Often times I don't remember it but thank God I remembered this one. It's embarrassing to tell but guaranteed this dream will make you laugh.
I went to audition (like a contestant on that TV show) to become a backup dance for Ricky Martin. Long story short we were dancing (good God was it vivid !) And not only did he want me to dance one song but two songs with him in the concert. The other song he wanted me to improvise and dance it Rumba style with him. (Cecilia - What is freakin' Rumba anyway ?).
The scene jumps to Ricky and I rehearsing. While we were rehearsing he was opening up and telling me about this relationship he was having with this dancer ( he even pointed her out to me). He was telling me how he didn't like how she was treating him I don't remember the details. (I'm cracking up as I write this by the way).
The scene jumped again and I'm at home. Ryan and his friend are asking me if the rumors about Ricky are true. (Yeah right like Ryan and his friend give a rat's a _ _ about Ricky Martin anyway ?). I brush them off and tell them " I can't say, he trusts me and I can't let the press know the details" ( Give me a break !? I can't even believe I said that in the dream but anyway...) I hurry up and say to Ryan and his friend " I gotta go I have rehearsal to go to".
The scene jumps to me meeting Ricky. I go over and attempt to give him a cheek to cheek hello (like I do with my friends). But instead his hands hold my cheeks and he kisses me on the lips ! I push him away and say 'Ricky I can't ! I'm married". Then I hear a loud irritating buzz. I wake up it was the alarm clock.
I force myself back to sleep hoping to catch a continuation of my dream. I'll save that for my next post. Next time I answer a chain letter from Joanne I'll make sure to add the detail of ' My wish is to meet and be kissed by Ricky Martin in PERSON and not in a dream ! "
p.s. That picture above this post - that's me and Ricky during the concert (yeah right)